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Insightify’s Smart Factory

Data is Your Production Power


Machine Downtime

  • Start acting, not reacting with advanced monitoring systems and predictive analytics



  • Real-time production data working for a single machine, line and the whole plant

Sharpen Your 

Cycle Time

  • Increase your efficiency on the macro scale thanks to precise monitoring

Only three steps to take

Manufacturing Assets Integration

Connect all your PLC, SCADA, MES, and ERP systems to work seamlessly and efficiently under one hood

Scalable and Secure Cloud Data Platform

Start storing your production data in a scalable cloud platform that grows organically with your needs

Analytics, Visualization & ML

Use data for deeper analytics and visualization. Prepare your data for Machine Learning and AI models
PLC Connectors
ERP Systems

Three Architecture Components

Factory: devices, productions lines, edge computing. Interaction place between Automation and Data Engineering Teams
Cloud: bespoke architecture based on inputs from Automation Team and Business. Built with best practices, fully scalable, allowing analysis of all collected data and its visualization in real time
Advanced Analytical and Data Science components. Machine Learning models working directly on Edge Computing that is as close to production as it gets

Three Teams

Automation Engineers to extract manufacturing data
Data Engineers to open up cloud possibilities
Data Scientists to use that data for analytics, predictions, monitoring, Machine Learning & AI
Define a clear objective—whether it's broad, like improving efficiency or reducing costs, or specific, such as boosting a line's throughput. This goal will guide all your decisions
Select a pilot process that is important but not critical, allowing you to experiment without major risks. Machine monitoring or quality control are ideal choices
Choose KPIs that align with your goals, like uptime or product quality, to measure the effectiveness of your pilot process
With your objectives in place, select a cloud platform. Options like AWS IoT, Azure IoT Hub, or open-source platforms are available based on your needs